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Writer's pictureCharles Luberisse

Behind The Lens: Bright Brown

Updated: Jan 9, 2023


Where do you like to be for Inspiration?

The desert, the ocean, downtown NYC, at home.

Whose music are you listening/bumping too?

Woah!… too many to mention but Listening: Peter Gabriel, Daniel Lanois, Brian Eno, Ali Farke Toure Bumping: Steve Wonder, Tinariwen

What do you want most for the Holidays?

Quiet, more love, less dire news, and a sailboat:)

What's your number one scary movie?

Hands down "The Shining"

Tell us your best fall/winter experience?

We were on our honeymoon when we experienced a power outage at Kalaloch Lodge in Washington State while sitting by a fire and watching an angry, stormy late November ocean.

When is your next release date or performance, and where can people connect with you?My new full length record, ‘Where The Ocean Once Was’ comes out at the end of January 2023. It was initially recorded in the middle of the Mojave Desert in October 2021. Find me at @brightbrownny or

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