Where do you like to be for Inspiration?
I like to be sitting in my car driving with or without destination listening to music.
Whose music are you listening/bumping too?
Sia, Harry style.
Describe your perfect Thanksgiving plate?
Corn in the cob, okra, mashed potatoes and gravy and little bit of turkey!!
What do you want most for Christmas?
To be in Miami with my whole family and a lot of friends!!
What’s your number one scary movie?
A Quiet place !
Tell us your worst fall/winter experience?
Shoveling snow for more than 35 hours without stopping.
Should lyrics be used against people in the courtroom?
Does fear of cancel culture, bad business partnering, or lustful murder effect they way you move?
Absolutely yes.
What do you think happened to monkeypox?
People are not fucking that much now !!
When is your next release date or performance, and where can people connect with you?
At Ayahuasca, 46 North Main Street Norwalk, CT on Friday October 28 at 9 PM. You can connect with me @renesotogallery@renesotogallery@gmail.com