Written By: Big C

Over the past year Slatt Zy has risen to stardom and it came with a price. Detailing tales of his late brother, greedy friends, and drugs which seem to take the pain and anxiety away; Hard To Live is an emotionally charged track. Producer Remi's somber piano chords with a scorching guitar mingle over bluesy bass line as Slatt Zy unfurls his one-of-a-kind delivery, effortlessly blending charismatic vocals and brilliant wordplay. Slatt Zy raps:
I tried to stop it's like I can't so I keep popping these pills /I lost so many to the streets so I don't know how to feel/ It's kind of hard to live.
Under the direction of DeLaHoyno, the gripping music video finds Slatty Zy him brushing off cop cars and navigating hallways as claustrophobic as the streets he raps about. Media outlets like are raving about Slatty, so you can keep up with him on Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and SoundCloud. Get your own copy of the single here and check out the official below.